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Call For Raw Files: All Pro Purpose Cameras!

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

What camera to use for Architecture, fashion, sports, street portraits and more? We are establishing a Library of quality image filles for photographers to access at no charge. We need great RAW files, DSLR quality amd above.

Introducing The OPF RAWFOTOBANK™*​

Purpose: to provide a resource for examining and comparing lens-camera-subject-style combinations.

Method We are assembling a Library of RAW files. These will be made availble for download, at no charge and reporting only under strict guidelines with very limited usage!

Choose the best files you can part with. They should relate to a particular type of style of photography. So state the original purpose of the shot, if that was defined and the lens-body details if not in the EXIF. Also to give context, add a URL of your work if available.

Send files to


Don't "cut and paste", retype!

Download: You will be able to download files for free but with very limited use license.
We believe choice of camera must be qualified by purpose style and budget.

Feedback: We'll simply start a thread in the relevent forum.

Posting: Let us know if you would like the shot also as a challenge to explore what might be done with the file in different hands.


This is, I believe is one realistic and honest approach that no one can argue with. We at OPF are truly unbiased. Judge as many files as you wish. Also check cameras and backs for your own work. We have enough qualified photographers in many fields to cover a spectrum of styles.

I have myself use a Bronica, 1D2 and 5D. I am also familiar with the Leaf system and am now looking at other backs.

Thanks for helping us make a valuable resources for photographers.

Asher Kelman

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Ken Tanaka

pro member
At the 10,000 foot level this feels like an interesting to which I'd be interested in contributing.

But can you elucidate a bit further on your concept for this "Raw Photo Bank" in practical terms? For example, why would someone download files? Who would be permitted access?

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Any registered OPF member could download images for personal experimentation. However to use for some other purpose, they would have to purchase a license from you.

If they want to they can repost their version with an impression and that we we can have discussions.

I will provide enough canon images for a lot of standard situations and gradually the pictures taken in standard conditons will be a very strong and reliable part of the database.

Let's say you would like to see how a Sinar Emotion back might look of an architectural project, we would have those files. If you wanted a runways shot with a 1DII same thing. Download, no charge. That simple.

More you will in many cases have the same subject shot under standard conditions with different cameras and lenses. We'll be evolving the methodologies, but all files will be loaded into iview and the use right info and © ownership will be added.

Access will be limited to photographers who register.

Should there be further limitations? Well you might think about that.

We are essentially expanding what we already have experimented with providing challenges where people download files for examination and some of us then go ahead and edit it and repost it here.

In the expanded offering, we will learn as we go on.

We are dealing with methodologies for storage and distribution. We might make avaialble a certain set of files at one time. Say 50mm from all full frame DLR's with 80mm MF to compare that angle of view.

Uwe Steinmueller has kindly offered to contribute as has Rainer with his Sinar files. Others have offered Olympus anf Phase one RAw files too. We need ll we can get since we seek to be Subject-Camera-lens searchable.

I have some Leaf back files taken from my training as a Leaf Tech. However, we will get sufficient files. As we progress the standard of our collection will improve and our Q.C. and methodologies will evolve.

Sure it's risky handing out good files, but OTH, your name is going with the file and this could bring you more work.

Please feel free to PM me any details you might have for consideration. Broad suggestions are fine to post here. Right now we want support and offers of files to help kick start the collection.

Ultimately you will be able to pick a file from a camera you wonder about with the sort of subject you are interested and see how the files compare with another competing system.

This is especially valuable in choosing between different lenses to go on your camera body or different digital backs or the same backs with Schneider or Zeiss lenses hopefully for the same scene.

I really value your input and help,

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Thomas Trostel

New member
You've only mentioned medium format and above cameras in your post. Are you interested in DSLR and above? Where do you want to set your cut off point?

I would suggest nothing below 35mm "type" DSLR cameras with interchangeable lenses. This is of course subject to review and change with time and technology. Certainly the sensors aren't exactly 35mm any more!

What do you think?


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Thanks so much Tom, I've clarified it.

Yes, we want everything from DSLR and above. At first, we'll get disparate files from great camera and lens combinations and a variety of subjects and some side by side with the same camera different lens aperture or between different camera or digital backs.

As we go on we'll greatly refine our colection.

Adding KEY WORDS, if possible, would help.

Even if you don't add your, copyright notice and use the warning of limited use rights, we will!

Also licensing info, the same.


Joe Huber

New member
Any DNG sample files?

I'm the writing a new application to sync batches of image files from multiple cameras. I'd like to support the DNG format. How do I get access to a sample DNG file?


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Tell me what you want. Any subject and how many is the minumum? Will it be used just by you? I have not as yet chosen the Leica DNG files but I could.

Also can you use Canon RAW files saved as DNG?


Ken Aspeslagh

New member

Is the RAW Photo Bank currently available to registered users?

I'm a software developer working on photo software. A photo bank like this would be an incredible resource for me and other developers when testing various raw file formats for compatiblity. There are precious few places available to get samples RAW file from Pro cameras.

The only other places I've seen online with a collection of sample RAWs are:

But these are by no means complete archives.
I'd be interested to hear of other places.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Hi Ken,

Thanks for your post. We are only at the beginning of our RAW Photo Bank. However, this is a major commitment and we hope it will be comprehensive.

I'll check the other sites. We need this to be able to bypass the Razzmatazz of the marketing departments and the reviewers of cameras. I have respect for our own abilities to check files ourselves.

If you yourself can provide files from any camera of focused and properly exposed RAW files this would be appreciated, more than that, a source for joy!


Ken Aspeslagh

New member
Thanks. I'm looking forward to it being available.

If anyone has any SRF (Sony Raw 1) files they can send me, I'd be greatful. I can't seem to get my hands on one for testing.

Many thanks,

John Carolan

New member
RAW Photo Bank availability

Asher, was there any progress with the Rawfotobank? How would I access it? (Looking for Leica M8 raws).

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Asher, was there any progress with the Rawfotobank? How would I access it? (Looking for Leica M8 raws).
Thanks for the wake-up call! I have limited M8 RAWS. PM sent! The library, unfortunately is still not up. Will address that in good time.
