Asher Kelman
OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
What camera to use for Architecture, fashion, sports, street portraits and more? We are establishing a Library of quality image filles for photographers to access at no charge. We need great RAW files, DSLR quality amd above.
Introducing The OPF RAWFOTOBANK™*
Purpose: to provide a resource for examining and comparing lens-camera-subject-style combinations.
Method We are assembling a Library of RAW files. These will be made availble for download, at no charge and reporting only under strict guidelines with very limited usage!
Choose the best files you can part with. They should relate to a particular type of style of photography. So state the original purpose of the shot, if that was defined and the lens-body details if not in the EXIF. Also to give context, add a URL of your work if available.
Send files to
Don't "cut and paste", retype!
Don't "cut and paste", retype!
Download: You will be able to download files for free but with very limited use license.
We believe choice of camera must be qualified by purpose style and budget.
Feedback: We'll simply start a thread in the relevent forum.
Posting: Let us know if you would like the shot also as a challenge to explore what might be done with the file in different hands.
This is, I believe is one realistic and honest approach that no one can argue with. We at OPF are truly unbiased. Judge as many files as you wish. Also check cameras and backs for your own work. We have enough qualified photographers in many fields to cover a spectrum of styles.
I have myself use a Bronica, 1D2 and 5D. I am also familiar with the Leaf system and am now looking at other backs.
Thanks for helping us make a valuable resources for photographers.
Asher Kelman
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