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Two Sheep...'16

Paul Abbott

New member
There's lots of 'em around, but only two here.
For me, everytime i'm near them I have to stop and stare at them. From afar, they look like little white larvae in the fields; but up close, a very woolly and fearful creature...Not only woolly around the body, but woolly of the mind, too.


Emley Moor, West Yorkshire '16 - Paul Abbott

Michael Ritter

New member
And they are posing for you!. I love sheep and have three of my own. They have such a gentle timid nature and love coming up to me.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
There's lots of 'em around, but only two here.
For me, everytime i'm near them I have to stop and stare at them. From afar, they look like little white larvae in the fields; but up close, a very woolly and fearful creature...Not only woolly around the body, but woolly of the mind, too.


Emley Moor, West Yorkshire '16 - Paul Abbott


This is a superbly seen and executed photographer and with far more worth and stature that the simple name, "Two Sheep" would imply!

I have been trying to see what parts of the composition might be redundant but ever elements, even the telegraph pole seem essential to its balance. The two sheep are perfectly grouped and all the other features work with these central stars to provide a highly robus statement of the rut meal setting.

I wonder if it would b anywhere near as powerful in color?


Paul Abbott

New member
Michael, nice to hear you have a few sheep. Soon to be many more, no?
I also think they're quite funny creatures, especially with they're herd mentality and how they all operate together. Fay Godwin seemed to find them amusing too, they can be very photogenic in regard to the above. :)

Asher, thanks for your comment, I appreciate it.
In regard to those other elements in the scene I kind of looked upon them as a context and a framing device really, it's all I could do. I had a little time to be able to place the sheep in the scene and so I hoped this result would be appropriate.
It's meaningless in colour, it detracts, Asher.


Michael Nagel

Well-known member

I have never seen only two sheep. It is more like six up to large numbers where sheep can develop an interesting behaviour.
Here it looks like they are staying close to each other and they are indeed looking a bit fearful.
The composition underlines this.

Well done.

Best regards,