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First Friday Night Football game of the season

Jeff Mims

New member
I was very rusty. I was not able to shoot a full season last year, and it's been a full year since I shot a football game.
Not a lot to brag about (lighting is terrible) but I had fun anyway.





Jeff Mims

New member
Thanks Nill..

Yep #1....(sigh..)

All sports photography can be challenging at times. (at least for me)
Friday Night HS football is challenging...well, every Friday Night.

I might test out the D300 past 1600 ISO this week for a few shots. Maybe 3200...

As it is, I use a flash..which is at 1/250th sync. Although it does have a higher sync setting, less power though.
A challenge.

Nill Toulme

New member
If your flash is dictating the exposure, then to a large extent shutter speed becomes irrelevant to stopping the motion. Try something like ISO 800, 1/250 f/2.8 with a little FEC one way or the other, and see how it does. This assumes regular ambient exposure would be typical HS stadium cavelike conditions, i.e., in the ISO 3200 1/400 f/2.8 range or worse.

If the ambient is better than that you may not need the flash at all except perhaps for fill. But most fields are not evenly lit at all, and the ends are really dark. I usually find I need flash in the endzones, and maybe in the red zone, but can get away without it towards midfield. So I usually shoot the 70-200 on one body with flash, and the 400 on another without it.
