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UV View of The World by Bees! Klaus Schmitt's Work heralded on the BBC!

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
A catalog s being built on how bees see the world using UV light. But you already knew that from Dr Klaus Schmidt's beautful work.


Dr. Klaus Schmdt: Creeping Zinnia as we see it (left) and with UV shades made visible (right).
The petals appear two-toned to bees, the concentric colours drawing them towards the nectar


We didn't need the BBC to tell you how valuable your work is, but it's still good to have them announce t to the world! The entire article is found here



Doug Kerr

Well-known member
This is a fascinating matter. It serves to open our eyes (!) to the fact that the human model of vision is only that of one species. (I have to be very careful, for example, in discussing the perception of color and its expression in a coordinate system to recognize that not all species are trichromats.)

Klaus, your wonderful photographic work "beyond the (human) visible spectrum" is so helpful in letting people, including "civilians", appreciate this concept and grasp some of its impact. There is wonderful beauty in your images as well. It is art in every sense.

Well done.

Best regards,


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
This is a fascinating matter. It serves to open our eyes (!) to the fact that the human model of vision is only that of one species. (I have to be very careful, for example, in discussing the perception of color and its expression in a coordinate system to recognize that not all species are trichromats.)

What are the consequences for survival and hunting in being able use UV wavelengths for vision? could it be related to the design of the insect's compound eyes?

Klaus, your wonderful photographic work "beyond the (human) visible spectrum" is so helpful in letting people, including "civilians", appreciate this concept and grasp some of its impact. There is wonderful beauty in your images as well. It is art in every sense.

Not only that, he has some very special lenses that even Jim Galli must himself hope to handle one day!


Valentin Arfire

New member
fascinating subject and technique

I am not familiar with the work of our esteemed colleague but the results are a wonderful;
I suppose the scientific world is also interested and equally fascinated by those results.
Thank you for sharing
Intriguing - how is this done? I assume Dr. Klaus is a contributor here, but I have missed all of it! Does anyone have links to other examples of this work? I want to see more.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Intriguing - how is this done? I assume Dr. Klaus is a contributor here, but I have missed all of it! Does anyone have links to other examples of this work? I want to see more.

Hi Ed,

Yes, he's here and the principal photographer expert on UV and IR! Look at his
post in the UV and IR section

The whole field offers new ways of us looking at things.


Dr Klaus Schmitt

Well-known member
Thanks a lot for teh kind words, I'm quite flattered about that response!

Year end rallye doesn't give me much time to do more on that.....

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Thanks a lot for teh kind words, I'm quite flattered about that response!

Year end rallye doesn't give me much time to do more on that.....
Hi Klaus,

We just appreciate so much you sharing your work in OPF and showing other ways to look at the world. Even though we do not, as yet have many photographers working in this area, you are encourage folk to dig out their filters and experiment. Thanks ofr doing this for us, even though it maybe lonely.
