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Belt pieces...

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
...seen in an old mill.

Best regards,

Thanks for bringing this sculptural composition! I'm inspired!

A great place to explore, especially in such light. Reminds me of "harvest bundles of straw", but in a factory! Also makes me think I should return to the steel fabrication place I know to see what they have around in scrap steel.

Is this place of yours part of something still active, or totally abandoned?


James Lemon

Well-known member
Hello Michael

I like this image but I would like it even more if the three screws or nails were not showing, leaving only a portion of the bold curve at the bottom.
I like the shapes. I also like the warmth of the wood but I can see James Lemon's point about the crop as it would help ground the image better. Still, well seen.

Michael Nagel

Well-known member
Hi Asher,

Thanks! The mill is still fully functional, but no longer used. The energy of the water is used for electricity now, but using the same transmission like before.

Best regards,

Michael Nagel

Well-known member
Hi Jarmo,

thanks! The contrast was even harder before, I did not want to take all away of the setting.

Best regards,

Michael Nagel

Well-known member
Hi James,

Thanks! I though of more cropping, but on the other hand, this was an unintentional still life setting of material used for maintenance in this mill, so the context has some importance for me, even if it might not look as good as everyone expects.

Best regards,

Michael Nagel

Well-known member
Hi Maggie,

Thanks! I included the environment on purpose as written above. It was interesting to see that everybody I watched during the short time I was there missed this view...

Best regards,

Antonio Correia

Well-known member
Belts in leather I presume.
The rounded table reinforces the strength of the composition.
Thank you for sharing Michael ! :)

Michael Nagel

Well-known member
Hi Antonio,

Thanks! Yes, the belts are in leather.

The table is a functional part of the mill, but I don't remember which...

Best regards,