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New website

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Hello to all
I am happy to announce the birth of my new website dedicated exclusively to my commercial and personal photographic work ...
I know that the translation into English is far from perfect, but as I'm sure most of you will only look at the images, which by the way are only there for that!
I hope you find it easy to browse, but please be tolerant, it is still very young!

www.nicolas-claris.com :



Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Impressed that the pictures automatically move!

Rich images and great number of exhibitions!

That blonde model slayed me!

Je souffre!


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator

Impressed that the pictures automatically move!

Rich images and great number of exhibitions!

That blonde model slayed me!

Je souffre!


Thank you Asher

Which blonde? there are four!

The auto move is a simple slideshow, set with 2 seconds intervals
Last edited:
Some really interesting photos there, Nicolas. I don't have time this evening, but I will definitely return and take a longer look. It's a great start and looks wonderful. Nice!

:) Maggie

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Some really interesting photos there, Nicolas. I don't have time this evening, but I will definitely return and take a longer look. It's a great start and looks wonderful. Nice!

:) Maggie

Thank you Maggie!
Take your time, in total there are nearly 1500 photos (37 galleries + home page slideshow)

fahim mohammed

Well-known member
Hi Nicolas.

I went through the slide show once. There was a reason for it, which I will mention at the end.

To say that the effort is beautiful is obvious.

The ‘ commercial/brochure ‘ are superbly crafted, as I expect from you.
They are ‘ slick ‘. And therein is where I have a problem. A pleasant one though!

The mixture of commercial and personal work does not mingle well, imho.
One is to cater for the ‘ 10% ‘. For them this is beautiful work..to demonstrate their ‘ toys ‘...animate and otherwise.

But there is a body of work in their that reflects Nicolas, as a person. That appeals to me much much more.

They should be seperated from the ‘ lives of the rich and famous ‘. They do not go rhyme together.
Taken separately, my mind, is predisposed to what to expect. A commercial work for clients, and one to express your feelings.

After the first quick go-through, I wanted to see which of the images, I retained in my mind.
Which one I related to?

It was the fisherman pulling up his fishing net from your wonderful Bangladesh series.

One see panders to the material successes of the few.
The other tells us about the majority of humans.

Take your pick.
Mine is done!

Wonderful, my friend. Wish you continued success.
Take care.

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator

Thanks for visiting the site, i see that you went thru the majoity of the galleries!

Of course Bangladesh is the heart of my body of work (my soul?).
When we proposed our collaboration to Marc Van Peteghem (Marc is the creator of the NGO Watever but also a famous world reknown naval architect. He is also a close friend) we had no special knowledge of Bangladesh. We wanted to approach the subject without moaning nor voyeurism, but show the beauty and pride of the Bangladeshis and their country - Try to get close, bring our vision, from earthlings to earthlings!

Commercial or not, my approach to photography, has always been down-to-earth. I like to create images that combine realism and creativity with my aesthetic vision. I like beauty, I endlessly try to show the good side, source of hope.

As a photographer; the important thing is that the people I think of are affected by the image that is intended for them. By creating an image, I bring my own vision but I always think at the people who will look at it.

Empathy is the root of relationships bonds.

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Instagram 219 likes + few comments
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OPF 7 comments (considered positive)

No comment!

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Instagram 219 likes + few comments
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OPF 7 comments (considered positive)

No comment!

What was the “No comment!”? If there is indeed “no comment” how do you know how many there are? Are all the views without comments, to you, someone saying, “No comment!” I would guess most are thinking they will figure out something wise to say when they have more time at your new site and then get distracted!

Today, much of life is done in 10 seconds aliquots!


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Lots of fun images. Looks like a good time was had by all.

Thanks Peter for passing by and visiting!
Like humor, fun and joy is what we need… both for commercial and personnal work.
This is imho a necessary balance into our world of inequality, poorness and war.

Otherwise, one bullet should be enough.

Tony Anderssen

New member
Well, your website looks nice, in general :)
My first impression is that your home page doesn't have enough content. You should change that full-width photo slider to something else (probably, try a photo grid with slight animation effects), since slider navigation doesn't look evident on your website - it's barely recognizable.
My question to you: is it a clean html5 website or did you use any CMS platform to build it?
In fact, there's no need to "reinvent the wheel" nowadays. You could opt for an all-in-one online photography portfolio builder like Format combining ready website templates, optional blog, and shop sections.

Hope my comment helps to improve your website!

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Instagram 219 likes + few comments
Facebook 55 likes + comments
Linkedin 15 likes + comments
OPF 7 comments (considered positive)

No comment!

There are hundreds of millions of folk in each of Facebook, Instagram and Linked in. The yield of notices seems larger than OPF but we are far more behind you in appreciation, support, bonding and sentiment than the giants.


Doug Kerr

Well-known member
Hi,, Asher,

What was the “No comment!”? If there is indeed “no comment” how do you know how many there are? Are all the views without comments, to you, someone saying, “No comment!” I would guess most are thinking they will figure out something wise to say when they have more time at your new site and then get distracted!

I think Nicolas was saying that he had no comment on the distribution of comments, not that there was one "no comment" comment.

Best regards,
