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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

... enlighted by weaking flowers ...


First, thanks for two welcome “extras” that I cannot let pass without admitting to you how important they are, almost as good as allowing light to illuminate the walls of an art gallery! Telling us the flowers are “weakening” encourages us to already be compassionate and thankful they are still alive, so they still believe oxygen. Thus, (even more succinctly than Jerome Marot sometimes can quip, so well), you have suggested we are dealing with human values and the worth but tragedy of life.

Then, your title, “I caught the darkness”, implies both a special moment in time, like the early light of dawn and the the lingering sunsets, where objects wear veils of magic and the intimacy of the deathbed of Royal princes and princesses, covered in bergundy, witnessing the passage of their beloved, but aged kings and queens!

Just these two “extras” show, in this case, that, although each work of art has its own voice, one can do far better than leaving it for a picture to “speak for itself”, an axiom that rarely is fair to either the art or the viewer.

I am so impressed at your journey into this territory of anthropomorphic symbolism, just using limited light and flowers beyond their youth.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Allow me to go further. Most wilted flowers simply look dead and finished, not lying their with their last thoughts, recollections, musing, treasured memories and deepest regrets. The challenge in this artwork is to maintain the elegance, passion and dignity of living beauty. I cannot say, as yet, just how excellent this portrayal is, because this presentation is so new to me. You haven’t explained any process, but for sure you’ve succeeded here!

Of course I appreciate your completed photograph. But much more, I acknowledge the independant path you have taken, (as good as yet independant), to the fabulous allegorical “plant-world” of fine artistry, where, for example Maggie Terlecki poses emotive forms of charming whimsical flowers. You are creating similarly but in your own way.

In addition, such work by yourself and others here, (for example Charlotte Thompson, with her layered ghostly creations and then of course Nicolas Clais with his exhibitions of “Rouges” and “Noirs” challenge the rest of us to look for, (or create), compositions which are in themselves photogenic, but which as a photograph, has the potential to prod the mind to go beyond what really is shown to explore consequent evoked ideas that have us expose, confirm, test, reaffirm, adjust or alter our mental boundaries of what our necessities, feelings and possibilities have been, are, might be and could indeed become.

So kudos, you are inspiring us and providing, with other loyal stalwarts, fabric that continues to make OPF worthwhile!


Wolfgang Plattner

Well-known member
Hi Asher

thank you for your remarks, I appreciate it very much.

What's about the process:
My basics are: keep it simple.

This shot was done with nothing more than the light of a window behind and the dark shadows between the window and the flowers in their dish. No additional lighting.
The processing is CaptureOne, a little correction of contrasts in PS - done.