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Available light fashion shoot: My start: Under the Sun, exactly

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
My little contribution with shots of Ana Carolina a Brazilian model on a Turkish boat (alenyachts) with the only available light: the big one upthere…




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That boat is a stunner! Tell us more!? Do you know the make, model, website? ... Doh! I found the previous post now - some nice shots there.

It would seem you are perched precariously for these shots, no?

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
That boat is a stunner! Tell us more!? Do you know the make, model, website? ... Doh! I found the previous post now - some nice shots there.

It would seem you are perched precariously for these shots, no?

Hi Ed
You will be able to read the story of this photoshoot in the next Sinar's newsletter… (though the shots posted here were made with the Canon 1Ds3).

The Shipyard is alenyacht (alenyacht.com) in Istanbul.
The boat is a prototype (1st of a serie), it can be either a fast dayboat or a Tender to a superyacht, hence its serie name "Alen Tender".
The boat is powered with 2 x 440 hp diesel…

The model is Brazilian;-)

More here
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Bill Miller

New member
Really like the first one.
The rest is very nice but not as breathtaking as the first one, that's stunning.

This really shows that its not what we think, it what the client picks. In the above, the client has the 2nd one on their home page slide show along with others. Probably because it was not about the model but the Tender (product) and she was nothing more then a prop. Like a garnish on a plate of food.

Very nice work Nicolas. Did you take all the photos on their website?

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Then look at the second picture. We also have the sea and movement. That's so important and we have more of the girl and in a stronger place in the composition.

The first picture could be taken in the dock. The second is more what the whole shoot is about: the boat. Glamor here is to celebrate and sell the boating life and this great boat. The girl is just someone that comes on board one day and you have to buy her shoes.


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Franck: Thanks! the 1st is my preferred to… coming from you I appreciate particularly.

Bill: thanks also!-D
Yes all the photos are mine (as the video by Romain).

We can understand the client's choice, the boat is more present and shown…

BTW the thread title is wrong, it should be:
Available light life style for advertising shoot: My start: Under the Sun, exactly
instead of
Available light fashion shoot: My start: Under the Sun, exactly

Because this was the brief…

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Thanks Asher
your post crossed mine and I hadn't seen it when I wrote the post above.
You're fully right about the concept.
However, as Franck I prefer the 1st one for the girl's pose and the light on her face…

The light from sun was so strong that day that it was almost impossible for her to have the eyes opened, but on such close shots, almost closed eyes ads to her feeling of happiness and pleasure (to say the least…) so that's fine with me…

charlie chipman

New member
Probably because it was not about the model but the Tender (product) and she was nothing more then a prop. Like a garnish on a plate of food.

Given the title and the location of which these were posted (fashion section), I looked at the pictures the other way around with the boat as the prop and the model as the main subject. Only after reading the posts did it become clear to me of the advertisement.

I also think the first picture is the best, I am very much attracted to the absence of the surrounding environment. Sure one could convince themselves it was taken at a dock, if so than it is also fair to convince one's self they are at any tropical corner of the world as well. That is the mystery and that's why I like the picture more than the others (mind you this train of thought is not from an advertising perspective).

Good set Nicolas, and a lovely boat indeed.

Dave McAllister

New member
The first photo is nice but I really like the fifth one. It really captures the essence of the scene to me. I do fully understand and agree with the customer's choice of the second one, but if I was anywhere, I would want to be in the fifth one.