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Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri primary event results

Doug Kerr

Well-known member
As you certainly know from the news reports, "Rick" Santorum received a substantial plurality of the votes in the three Tuesday (2012.02.07) Republican primary events, in the states of Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri - an actual majority (55.2%) in the Missouri primary (but see below regarding the "prize" there).

Although "Mitt" Romney had the second largest fraction of the votes in Missouri (25.3%), he did not have a plurality in any county there. In Minnesota, he had the third highest fraction of the votes (16.9% - lower than "Ron" Paul, with 27.2%).

"Newt" Gingrich had 10.7% of the votes in Minnesota and 12.8% in Colorado (he was not on the ballot in Missouri).

Each of those events has a different "impact" on the eventual matter of delegates to the Republican National Convention and their "instructions" (see my three separate discussions of their respective modalities). In the case of the Missouri primary election, it has no official effect whatsoever - it merely serves to indicate the leanings of those who chose to participate.

I will leave it to others (or perhaps even myself, in a separate note) to draw inferences from this result.

Best regards,
