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Going To Extremes - Dragan Effect

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
I have no idea how the Dragan Effect is really done - or even if this is anything like it. I've just heard about it and decided to take a recent character shot and play with dodging, buring, contrast, saturation, structure and tons of blend and saturation modes. This is what I came up with:



fahim mohammed

Well-known member
Robert, I did not know about Andre Dragan and had to look at his portraits to see what it was.
Interesting, but to be honest, not something I would apply a lot. Somewhat over the top for my taste.

Does get a second look though.

Best regards.

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
Robert, I did not know about Andre Dragan and had to look at his portraits to see what it was.
Interesting, but to be honest, not something I would apply a lot. Somewhat over the top for my taste.

Does get a second look though.

Best regards.

Thanks for your comments.

You may have noticed that I am one who never applies the same thing to any image much. So thank goodness for that. LOL. I will continue to use methods that I experimented with or refined in doing this piece - and expand on them in another shot of course.

I love photography - I love playing with photography - and I always want to be stretching my abilities and pushing boundaries when I shoot. That's what keeps it fresh for me after over 30 years as a paid professional making my families income from my abilities in that regard - - - who could have been doing the same old boring thing for all of those years like so many of the once established portrait studios who are all now closed, did.

I feel like I'm still 25 years old when it comes to my desire to never play it safe or rehash what I have already done with my photography - I just keep moving forward best that I am able to. I am a long time digial post processor going back into the 90's - - - and yet in the last week I moved to a new level of abilities. It was the same the week, month and year before that, and I expect it to be the same in the months and years to come.


Robert Watcher

Well-known member
It's interesting - - - when I just did a search for Andrzeg Dragan, I found this website who offers a Dragan effect conversion to their affordable art customers - http://www.icanvas.co.za/draganeffectgran.html

Andrzeg Dragan Photographer - http://andrzejdragan.com/

I can see that the grungy style that I quite often gravitate towards in my work, doesn't really resemble his style - except that it has a more contrasty desaturated look where skin features stand out.


Mark Hampton

New member
Thanks for your comments.

You may have noticed that I am one who never applies the same thing to any image much. So thank goodness for that. LOL. I will continue to use methods that I experimented with or refined in doing this piece - and expand on them in another shot of course.

I love photography - I love playing with photography - and I always want to be stretching my abilities and pushing boundaries when I shoot. That's what keeps it fresh for me after over 30 years as a paid professional making my families income from my abilities in that regard - - - who could have been doing the same old boring thing for all of those years like so many of the once established portrait studios who are all now closed, did.

I feel like I'm still 25 years old when it comes to my desire to never play it safe or rehash what I have already done with my photography - I just keep moving forward best that I am able to. I am a long time digial post processor going back into the 90's - - - and yet in the last week I moved to a new level of abilities. It was the same the week, month and year before that, and I expect it to be the same in the months and years to come.


a refreshing view - thanks for sharing it Robert.
Yes, I think your work here seems to be a cross between Dragan and Dave Hill. Dragan doesn't seem to put the emphases on the beard hairs etc. while Dave does. Dragan's work is never very colorful, but some of them seem to lean towards being warmer almost a golden yet desaturated, and with rich ruby tones in the lips.

I think the subject you chose is an interesting one as he's over the top with his fake beard and the pushing the PSing on this image seems natural to do. I wonder if you have an image of him that has some frowning or wrinkling that you could use to really push the style even more.

Andrejz is such an interesting guy. Besides his portrait work, he's also a Dr. of Quantum Physics, and a skilled musician and composer.

There are tons of sites that offer plugins and presets to create the Dragan effect but I doubt they will ever create anything close because he doesn't work globally and he doesn't have a specific procedure that he follows. Each image will be treated individually. To follow any rules to re-create what he does; he would probably say, rules are for those who can't think for themselves. So although he does tend to have a style, he changes what he does because he becomes bored and thinks the audience will be also. He says what he does is try to express what he finds interesting in a person. He will choose models because of their expressions or something that he finds is interesting about their look or face. He also notes that almost everyone he's done a portrait of doesn't like the final result. I think it has to do with him concentrating on bringing out details that end up showing people not in their best light. Have you seen his portrait of aging Pamela Anderson? whoa! Dragan does not even enjoy taking the photo, has a very simple setup, camera, 1 lens only and 1 flash-with light box.

Sorry about all the info about Dragan, but I thought some people might be interested to know. I think many know his work, but nothing of the man.

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
Sorry about all the info about Dragan, but I thought some people might be interested to know. I think many know his work, but nothing of the man.
No need to be sorry. I thoroughly enjoyed that expose. He sounds like a man after my own heart.


Robert Watcher

Well-known member
My endeavor was to accent the character of the fellow at the top. Although it is tough to bring out much when the face is still relatively young and fresh and not weathered from the elements and age.

And so I hunted for such a shot and found this one (I know I have some that are even better to start with, but would have to find them).

After a bunch of processing to taste

The original uprocessed image
