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'Happy is the land with no need for heroes'

Unnoticed in the hullabaloo about Obama, McCain, Palin and what's-his-name is the snap decision to call a Canadian federal election before that south of the border. Canada now has a minority government run by a somewhat-stiff, effective but micro-managing Conservative called Harper who proved capable of reigning in and shutting up the more idiotic and vocal of his right-wing adherents and advancing small-c conservatism during the past two years. Opinion polls suggest that he is admired but neither liked nor fully trusted by the electorate to keep the c-in-conservatism small enough if he obtains majority government. The main opposition is the Liberal party whose leader Dion, a former university professor, is idealistic to the point of fanatical about environmental issues, probably a nice guy, but very much a compromise leader of his party and certain to be dumped by his colleagues if they fail to win the election. The other main minority parties represent the Quebec separatists - a spent cause at the moment, but the party will gather many government positions from Quebec - and the voice of small-s socialism. The final party is the Greens with an agenda largely usurped by the Liberals.

What will the outcome be? My guess is gains by the Conservatives but maybe not a majority. Although Canada's economy dipped in recent months, the slide was less severe than in most other countries. The resource-based economy looks bright for the future with the manufacturing sector hopeful for an upturn in the global economy. There are no domestic crises and no need for heroes. A boring election, with no desire to revive that eastern curse 'May you live in interesting times.'

Doug Kerr

Well-known member
Hi, Michael,

And old saying in my house is, "New Zealand is like what Austalia was before it was screwed up, which is like what Canada was like before it was screwed up, which is like what the USA was like before it was screwed up".

I'm comforted to see that at least part of that hierarchy is still in effect!
Hi, Michael,

And old saying in my house is, "New Zealand is like what Austalia was before it was screwed up, which is like what Canada was like before it was screwed up, which is like what the USA was like before it was screwed up".

I'm comforted to see that at least part of that hierarchy is still in effect!

Hi Doug
We've been screwed up for the last two decades because of federal deficits and Quebec separation issues. It's nice to have loose screws before the rust sets in again.