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John McCain's Psycho Pastor

doug anderson

New member
Doug to Doug: and all of these labels are false binary oppositions: this is a HUGE country with vast complexity and yet the fashionable constructions are so simple-minded: some people think liberals are crazed perverts who want to destroy traditional marriage, etc., and want a tyranny of Muslim lesbians, and liberals perceive conservatives as AK 47 toting six-toed daughter diddling hyperchristians. The Bush administration has sought to enhance these false oppositions to create hate energy that translates into votes. Very, very sick and unhealthy, and very wrong.
My Culpa or, My Bad

It looks like I won't get around to giving this article the time and thought needed to respond responsibly. Not that I don't think an article like this is important, but summer time is in full swing and I thankfully, for now, have far more appealing ways to spend time!

I would like to address what I feel might be chaotic and reactionary responses on my part...

First, when I read the article, I was at work. I skimmed it and responded. As it turns out, I probably didn't get to the meaning of the article as it is detailed, and my reading of it was not. Mea culpa or, My Bad.

Second, deservedly or not, I associate a liberal bias with the Salon mag. and I'm sure it colored my (skim) reading of the article.

Third, I am fairly sensitive to much of the popular portrayal and criticisms of President Bush. To be fair, he and his administration have made many mistakes. However, the opinionated non-factual criticisms that are leveled at him on a daily basis wear on me. Whenever I hear fact-based, rational, thoughtful discussion and criticism of the Bush administration, I am so relieved and find far more common ground with others.

So, my apologies for confusing what is most likely a worthy discussion.

For what its worth,