• Please use real names.

    Greetings to all who have registered to OPF and those guests taking a look around. Please use real names. Registrations with fictitious names will not be processed. REAL NAMES ONLY will be processed

    Firstname Lastname


    We are a courteous and supportive community. No need to hide behind an alia. If you have a genuine need for privacy/secrecy then let me know!
  • Warning: and are NSFW. Threads may start of as text only but then pictures could be added as part of a discussion or to make some point. This is not for family viewing without a parent's consent and supervision. If you are under age 18, please do not use this section
  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!

Model From San Francisco

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Welcome Allen,


Are you the photographer? We show and discuss how we make images and what we end up with. Jumping directly to the page for sales is not how we work. So update us on how you are involved. Are you the model or the photographer or what? I guess you might be the model? If so, then we need to add credit to the photographer and say something about the ideas behind the image and details of the camera and lighting for example, if at all possible. Having the photographers show select fine shots that show great lighting and form would we an idea to explore.

Above all, the essence is art!
