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don't smoke

Andy brown

Well-known member
Poor bastard, don't think he was a smoker but evidence is evidence.


Andy brown

Well-known member
Hi Nicolas, poor bastard is a turn of phrase and poor? Well he is dead.
Smoker? Cigarette butts right by his beak.
He was very recently deceased, no rigor mortis and sadly his mate was nearby making very distressed sounds.

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
Hi Nicolas, poor bastard is a turn of phrase and poor? Well he is dead.
Smoker? Cigarette butts right by his beak.
He was very recently deceased, no rigor mortis and sadly his mate was nearby making very distressed sounds.

Good catch Andy. Noticing the details that make an interesting story

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Hi Nicolas, poor bastard is a turn of phrase and poor? Well he is dead.
Smoker? Cigarette butts right by his beak.
He was very recently deceased, no rigor mortis and sadly his mate was nearby making very distressed sounds.
Thanks Andy
I asked because in French batard is close to be an insult…
As for the smoker, sorry I didn't see the cigarette butts, they were too obvious!
Good shot, poor guy (and mate) these birds do live "married" all their life (no divorce!)