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  1. Bryanpereira

    Lion in the Sun

    Nice to get a shot in the sun that isnt heavy on the contrast so quite happy with this one D850 200 to 400 f4 400mm 1/3200 f4 iso 400 Big Cats Safari East Africa Feb 2024
  2. Bryanpereira

    Impalas - Africa Photo Safari

    A couple of Impalas posing for their portrait D850 200 to 400 f4 400mm 1/800 f4 iso 400 Feb 2024 East Africa Photo Safari
  3. Bryanpereira

    Still Going - Two Male Lions

    A couple of old male lions just walking up. I would have liked to come across them a few hours later when I could have closed down and lowered the iso as well but in the wild you dont have too much choice, just make the best of it. D850 200 to 400 f4 200mm f4 1/400 iso 4000
  4. Bryanpereira

    Cheetah in Grass

    Took quite a few shots of this cheetah walking around but mostly it had its head down. I missed this one rating the files on my first round so glad I took a closer look. D850 200 to 400 f4 400mm f6,3 1/1250 iso 400 Big cats photo safari
  5. Bryanpereira

    Hanging around - Leopard in Tree

    D850 200 to 400 f4 1/800 f6.3 iso 720 400mm
  6. Bryanpereira

    Elephants at night, 25,000 iso

    Shot around 1am floodlit by a waterhole. The elephants using their tusks and feet to dig up the salt and minerals in the mud. D850 28 to 300 f3.5 85mm 1/13 f5 iso 25,600
  7. Bryanpereira

    Cheetah in Grass

    Managed to get a few shots before this cheetah disappeared into the bushes Feb 2024 Photo Safari D850 200 to 400 f4 210mm f5 1/800 iso 400
  8. Bryanpereira

    Family Portrait

    When I came across these buffalo I just couldnt resist the way they were posing Feb 2024 Photo safari D850 200 to 400 f4 310mm iso 500 f4
  9. Bryanpereira

    Cheetah sitting

    This cheetah was just walking around and finally stopped to allow me a few shots of her posing D850 200 400 f4 400mm f6.3 1/1000 iso 400 Feb 2024 Photo safari
  10. Bryanpereira

    Young Males Chilling

    Just a couple of young boys hanging out Mara Photo safari Feb 2024 D850 200-400 f4 400mm 1/2500 f4 400iso
  11. Bryanpereira

    Angry Mum

    I suspect she might have been woken up by junior and dad! D850 2--400 f4 4000mm 1/800 f4 iso 800
  12. Bryanpereira

    Leopard in Tree

    Not my best leopard in tree shots due to the distance and lighting but the most recent, taken 3 weeks ago on safari. Still one of favorite big cats to capture D850 200-400 f4 400mm iso 720 1/800 f6.3
  13. Bryanpereira

    Focused Lion

    This young male came right to me. I ended up having to switch from my 200-400 to a shorter zoom lens as he was moving closer D850 28-300mm 1/1000 f5.6 300mm iso 400
  14. Bryanpereira

    Silver Back Jackal

    Something different from my usual big cats. Jackals tend to be quite skittish and spend a lot of time running around (mostly on the roads) as they sniff out scavenger opportunities. This one posed for a few shots Nikon D850 200-400 f4 340mm 1/800 f 5.6 iso 1600
  15. Bryanpereira

    Dreamy lion

    Just a nice animal portrait that I like D850 200-400 f4 400mm 1/800 f4 iso 800
  16. Bryanpereira

    Male lion on the prowl

    A young male wondering around looking for breakfast D850 200-400 f4 330mm f4 1/2500 iso 400
  17. Bryanpereira

    Cheetah Portrait

    A favorite cheetah pose. D810 200-400 f4 400mm f6.3 1/800 iso 100
  18. Bryanpereira

    First Thread - Leopard

    My first post to this forum, thought I would start with my favorite Big Cat from a few years ago D810 200-500mm 1/160 f5.6 500mm iso 400
  19. Antonio Correia

    Some photographs from Kenya
