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bee vision

  1. Dr Klaus Schmitt

    My work at the Tokyo Polytechnic University - Color Science and Art Center

    Well I was asked by the director if I would like to contribute to the TOKYO POLYTEC Science and Art Center to show how differently other species see teh world, and I did. Have a look here as I cannot insert a video...
  2. Dr Klaus Schmitt

    Lewisia cotylodon multispectral

    Quite warm here (27C/81F) for first week of April, so my Lewisia flowers started to bloom... So today shots of a white long blooming, perennial flower: Cliff maids - Lewisia cotyledon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewisia_cotyledon in reflected ultraviolet photography and simulated bee and...
  3. Dr Klaus Schmitt

    Sempervivum "hens and chicks" multispectral

    My Sempervivum ("hen and chicks") plants were flowering due to that excellent hot weather we currentlyhave here in southwest of Germany. Took photos in reflected UV and simulated bee and butterfly vision using an UV-Nikkor 105mm and a modified studio flash. Just amazing how good this lens...
  4. Dr Klaus Schmitt


    NOVA PBS has produced and will most likely in May 2023 air "Your Brain: Perception Deception" Some of my multispectral works will be in it showing human vision and simulated bee vison: https://photographyoftheinvisibleworld.blogspot.com/2023/02/my-work-for-nova-pbs-your-brain.html
  5. Dr Klaus Schmitt

    Common Purslane - Portulaca oleracea multispectral

    This is the Common Purslane - Portulaca oleracea which is pretty but also tastes very well on salads! Shows a very strong UV reflection around 360nm!
  6. Dr Klaus Schmitt

    Rudbeckia hirta on my balcony multispectral

    Rudbeckia hirta on our balcony has wonderful flowers again this year - here it is in human vision, reflected UV, simulated bee and butterfly vision (quadriptych is left to right, top to bottom). All shot using a multispectral converted Panasonic GH4 with the trusted UV-Nikkor 4.5/105mm lens...
  7. Dr Klaus Schmitt

    Exhibit with multispectral works

    There is currently an exhibit in Germany at the Museum Sinclair-House, Bad Homburg within the "Wandelmut" (willingness to change) series, which has some of my multispectral works on display. Visible here is a Rudbeckia hirta flower in human vision, simulated bee and butterfly vision, showing the...
  8. Dr Klaus Schmitt

    Bidens VIS-UV live

    Amazing that dark "bullseye" UV-pattern bees and butterflies can see as a landing platform, but we humans cannot... There have been scientific experiments done (Prof. em. Klaus Lunau, Düsseldorf, Germany) which prove that bees land on a flower petal and then always crawl to find the UV-dark...
  9. Dr Klaus Schmitt

    Rudbeckia hirta multispectral

  10. Dr Klaus Schmitt

    Rudbeckia hirta multispectral 3D stereo (crosseye)

    Ddmittedly a bit tricky to see in stereo, as one has to concentrate on one of teh four images only, or there will be a center overlap of the to two top and bottom stereo images...
  11. Dr Klaus Schmitt

    Rudbeckia hirta mutispectral

    Quadriptych of human vision, UV, simulated butterfly and bee vision (left to right, top to bottom)
  12. Dr Klaus Schmitt

    St John's wort - Hypericum multispectral

    Quadriptych of human vision, UV, simulated butterfly and bee vision (left to right, top to bottom)
  13. Dr Klaus Schmitt

    Cobweb house-leek flower - Sempervivum arachnoideum multispectral

  14. Dr Klaus Schmitt

    Human vs Animal vision ...

    This is vision of HUMAN, BUTTERFLY, BEE, DOG, HORSE and BAT. Humans have trichromatic vision, they see Blue, Green, Red, Butterflies see UV (ultraviolet), Blue, Green, Red they are Tetrachromats Bees see UV, Blue, Green, they are trichomats Dogs are Dichromats, see only blue and yellow, but...
  15. Dr Klaus Schmitt

    Cliff Maids - Lewisia cotyledon multispectral
