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  1. Bryanpereira

    Relaxed Cheetah

    This cheetah was just chilling in the shade. Not in a major hunting or sleeping mode D850 200 to 400 f4 1/640 f4 400mm iso 1100 Feb 2024 photo safari
  2. Bryanpereira

    Cheetah 180

    Seen this pose quite a few times and the agility always amazes me how they can spot their prey from all sides ... ultimate predator! D850 200 to 400 f4 400mm f6.3 1/1250 iso 400 Africa big cats photo safari, Feb 2024
  3. Bryanpereira

    Cheetah in Grass

    Took quite a few shots of this cheetah walking around but mostly it had its head down. I missed this one rating the files on my first round so glad I took a closer look. D850 200 to 400 f4 400mm f6,3 1/1250 iso 400 Big cats photo safari
  4. Bryanpereira

    Cheetah in Grass

    Managed to get a few shots before this cheetah disappeared into the bushes Feb 2024 Photo Safari D850 200 to 400 f4 210mm f5 1/800 iso 400
  5. Bryanpereira

    Cheetah sitting

    This cheetah was just walking around and finally stopped to allow me a few shots of her posing D850 200 400 f4 400mm f6.3 1/1000 iso 400 Feb 2024 Photo safari
  6. Bryanpereira

    Cheetah Portrait

    A favorite cheetah pose. D810 200-400 f4 400mm f6.3 1/800 iso 100