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  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!


  1. A

    Glencoe and the Aonach Eagach Ridge

    Hi, Jarno recently posted a beautiful picture of Glencoe in Scotland, showing the moorland on approach and the mountains of Glencoe itself. I thought I'd follow this up with some photos taken from a climbing/scrambling trip a few years ago. One you get into the depths of the Glencoe valley you...
  2. Tony Psaltis

    Fuji X-Series Mirrorless Cameras and Lenses Sell-off

    Please have a look at the list of items and prices and if interested, message me here or contact me at my cell in the linked document : After investing in Fuji X-Series equipment over the past few years the time has come to prune my collection as I don't need all this. My reason why I have...
  3. P

    Fuji GFX Camera FujiFILM GFX is going after Full Frame & smaller camera users

    In future I would not be surprised that FujiFILM GFX medium format bodies will hit these price points occupied by full frame bodies $4k - 2016 Canon EOS-1D X Mark II - 2021 Fujifilm GFX 50S II ($3.5k summer promo price) $3.9k - 2020 Canon EOS R5 $3.7k - 2019 Panasonic Lumix DC-S1R $3.5k...