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full moon

  1. Robert Watcher

    Strawberry Moon - THREE LOOKS

    Strawberry Moon - THREE LOOKS as it rose above the horizon —- June 14’th,2022
  2. Dr Klaus Schmitt

    Harvest Full Moon over Castle

  3. Dr Klaus Schmitt

    Full Flower Moon May 7, 2020

    Full Moon tonight with fog creating some pretty halo...[reflected UV with 800mm LDM-1 Katoptaron]
  4. Jim Olson

    I tried Live View on the moon last night

    Expo Time 1/500, Aperture 7.38 EV (f/12.9) ISO 3200
  5. Jim Olson

    Shooting the moon

    I have tried to do this before and it did not turn out at all but after many tries I think I got something close. I did have to change it with Shotwell but I'm happy