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lunar eclipse

  1. Robert Watcher

    Lunar Eclipse tonight - hoping for clear skies

    I was too lazy to bother doing the math for the sequence of shots that I want for the lunar eclipse tonight 😜 —- just in case the sky is clear (currently it’s not)…. … so I queried coPilot with this message “I want to take the first photo near the start of the partial eclipse tonight when there...
  2. Robert Watcher

    Lunar Eclipse & Corona (fake)

    Witnessing the moon rise behind a towering weather radar dome is surreal, with its bulk obscuring the moon until it emerges, crowned by a radiant corona-like halo. This astronomical deception creates an ethereal and captivating spectacle, a reminder of nature’s infinite capacity for wonder and...
  3. Robert Watcher

    Beaver Blood Moon Full Eclipse

    A couple snaps of the full lunar eclipse this morning before, before the moon dropped below the horizon. I popped outside my home at 6:00 to capture these when the eclipse was at its full peak (6:02).