• Please use real names.

    Greetings to all who have registered to OPF and those guests taking a look around. Please use real names. Registrations with fictitious names will not be processed. REAL NAMES ONLY will be processed

    Firstname Lastname


    We are a courteous and supportive community. No need to hide behind an alia. If you have a genuine need for privacy/secrecy then let me know!
  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!

new york

  1. S

    Another sunrise in NJ looking into Lower Manhattan

  2. Lillian Brown

    Hello from NY!

    Hi everyone my name is Lillian I am 25 years old and I come from London, I will be glad to meet you.
  3. S

    April Workshop in NY/NJ - Eastwood & Pasha's Big Double Event

    April 17th and 18th, Mr. Stephen Eastwood ( www.StephenEastwood.com ) and Pasha ( http://www.modelmayhem.com/683399 ) are putting on our "Big Double Event". each day will begin with a two hour lighting session by Stephen, immediately followed by the third installment of Pasha's Shootout...
  4. Cem_Usakligil

    A vertical pano of a New York City Street

    Hi, I have decided to spend some quality time with the pictures I took last summer in USA ;-) Here is a vertical pano of a NYC street I took. It consists of 15 individual images, handheld, single row. Camera 40D, lens 17-40mm, f/8. Stitching done in PTGUI Pro using equirectangular...
  5. S

    Art with a phone and a reflection?

    What do you think? I took this with the iPhone 3G walking by a store on 8th Avenue, in New York City's West Village, and I was mesmerized by that reflection. Do you see any art in a shot like this? "Dressed to reflect" © Sion Fullana 2008
  6. S

    The man of the islands

    Hi, everyone!! It's a pleasure to take part of this forums. Looking forward to exploring it and meeting lots of you. Let me tell you a bit about myself: I'm a man with three islands in his life... Majorca, where I was born 32 years ago... Cuba, where I lived for two years and graduated in...