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photo safari

  1. Bryanpereira

    Giraffe kiss - portrait

    Going through my old giraffe safari files and came across this one with a mum and daughter. Quite happy with the angle and lighting which is often an issue with giraffe portraits. D810 200 to 400 f4 400mm 1/800 f5.6 iso 100 oct 2014 photo safari
  2. Bryanpereira

    Relaxed Cheetah

    This cheetah was just chilling in the shade. Not in a major hunting or sleeping mode D850 200 to 400 f4 1/640 f4 400mm iso 1100 Feb 2024 photo safari
  3. Bryanpereira

    Through the Grass (Lion African Safari)

    Stayed with two male lions for a while this is one of the last shots before they disappeared. Tricky one with focusing and the grass, I never use eye detect or subject tracking in scenes like this. D850 200 to 400 f4 400mm iso 800 1/800 f4 Feb 2024 Big Cats photo safari, East Africa
  4. Bryanpereira

    Lioness and Cubs

    Fun to watch this lion family hanging out, the light was a little harsh but managed to get a few shots. D850 28 to 300 3.5 200mm 1/400 f10 iso 500 Big Cats Safari Feb 2024
  5. Bryanpereira

    Impala - East Africa Safari

    Impala with a touch of golden light. D850 200 to 400 f4 240mm 1/1000 f4 iso 400 February Photo Safari
  6. Bryanpereira

    White Rhino

    Its always nice to capture some of these rare animals so one of my first stops on safari is areas where they are know to inhabit spot the little bird? February 2024 Photo Safari D850 200 to 400 f4 400mm f4 1/5000 iso 400
  7. Bryanpereira

    Young Males Chilling

    Just a couple of young boys hanging out Mara Photo safari Feb 2024 D850 200-400 f4 400mm 1/2500 f4 400iso
  8. Bryanpereira

    Male lion on the prowl

    A young male wondering around looking for breakfast D850 200-400 f4 330mm f4 1/2500 iso 400