• Please use real names.

    Greetings to all who have registered to OPF and those guests taking a look around. Please use real names. Registrations with fictitious names will not be processed. REAL NAMES ONLY will be processed

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    We are a courteous and supportive community. No need to hide behind an alia. If you have a genuine need for privacy/secrecy then let me know!
  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!


  1. Tom dinning

    Essex Street

    The corner of Essex and Charlotte Streets in Sydney is typical of any of the old intersections throughout the CBD. The buildings were constructed in the late 1800s to 1950 from the local stone, part of the Hawkesbury basin Sandstone. Solid as a rock as they would say.
  2. Asher Kelman

    Challenge for Pictures in a Series: Motif or Concept Ordinary things with a modified layer.

    I have an obsession photographing sidewalks, stains of the roadway, smashed china, debris and anything else that catches my eye. I am looking for the marks of time, use and misuse, patina and decay. It occurred to me that I could create series with a layer with windows to reveal the original...