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A flower, a camera, and a EF50mm f1.2 L


Deleted member 55

I was on a dog walk with the wife today on Balboa Island and came across this in someone's front yard. It was just asking to be photographed!


EF 50mm f1.2 L @ f2.8 1/8000sec ISO 640 1DsmkII no flash (auto contrast in PS)

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Hi Will,

I really like the assymeyetry of the picture and the soft background all making attention go to thr flower. The white flower has a splendid shaped. It is a superbly simple but compelling picture which I enjoy.

This simplicty and the demand it evoked puzzled me and then I rememebered why. The art for me is buttressed by my recollections of a freat artist whose work chaged art as we know it. Well that's the good news. The surprising and at first, even insulting news, is that this artist is none other than Duchamp who famously elevated a gentlemans porcelain relief appointment. a.k.a., a pristine white, porcelain urinal!

So to me, at least, your flower is a chance-find which you, yourself, (unknowingly following the path of Duchamp), elevated a to art! This curvacious white object, (that many also pass by), is also visited by creatures to fulfil biological imperitives!

Congratulations and thans for sharing!

You surpised me with your picture!

No doubt, you too are a little taken back right now too!
