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Aptus 75s: figuring out the ropes


pro member
No longer have any Canon gear.. have moved into the MF area, with an Aptus 75s, Mamiya 645AFDII, and a Horseman SW-D II. So far.. no regrets at all (the Horseman is a dream to use)

I've collected a small assortment of various lenses.. by far my favorite is the Zeiss 110 f2.0 Planar (Hasselblad).

A recent shot with it


Hope to post discoveries and difficulties as they arise!

thanks all


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Holy, moly!

Does Hilary know you took this?

Amazing image! Could you give us a report on how the autofocus is and the lenses you are using. Also whose RAW software?



pro member

The autofocus works very well.. it's not up to the professional DSLR level.. but still pretty good. I've heard that the next generation of Mamiya should up the ante quite a bit. I'm not as concerned.. most of my work is manual focus, with most of it being done from a tripod

I have the Zeiss 110 Planar (one of the best lenses i've ever used), a Mamiya 55-110 zoom (ok wide open, excellent stopped down), Mamiya 150 3.5 (excellent), Mamiya 80 2.8 (excellent). I have the Zeiss Distagon 40mm 4.0 FLE, but i'm selling that. The Horseman SWD offers a better wide angle solution than the Mamiya will.. and allows for some serious stitching.

Lightroom processes the Leaf files with no problem.. however the software from Leaf gets much more out of the files. I use Lightroom for image management, but then use Leaf Capture to process them.

Bradley, I'm using the Mamiya 645AFDII, with the Mamiya converter. It requires stop down metering, and uses the Mamiya shuttter, since there's no electrical connection between the lens and body.

Horseman SWD & Digitar 35mm lens

Hello Jim,

and WHAT a move you made! Sorry for the late reply here, I have literally no time at the moemnt to spend on the fora. Wow, I am impressed, those files should provide you with top notch material for prints.

Congrats on the new "family member" ;)

Btw. I like that shopt of the Lady with that beautiful face!

That door is something special!