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backyard buddies/inquisitive neighbors

Steven Sinski

Active member
brand new models. they were as interested in me as i was in them. they were about 15-20 feet away
_DSC9327_DxO copy-X3.jpg

_DSC9258_DxO copy-X3.jpg

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I don’t know why we should be more co
Passionate to “Bambi” than to squirrels or Beatles, but we are!

These are such beautiful animals and so peaceful!

Glad we limit hunting!


Steven Sinski

Active member
it's a 2 bladed sword. they definitely are not in danger of going extinct here. in fact, they tend to overpopulate and then the food source becomes an issue for their survival. in addition, things do not tend to go well near moving vehicles too.

Steven Sinski

Active member
i'd like them in my backyard if they only cleaned up after themselves and didn't carry ticks. i guess thats a bit much to ask for but the eliminate waste at a fairly robust rate at times makes the yard a bit less usable. throwing the frisbee around has its issues.:rolleyes::LOL:
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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
i'd like them in my backyard if they only cleaned up after themselves and didn't carry tics. i guess thats a bit much to ask for but the eliminate waste at a fairly robust rate at times makes the yard a bit less usable. throwing the frisbee around has its issues.:rolleyes::LOL:
I never thought of them of carrying ticks!

I thought the ticks waited on leaves nearby to ambush and temporarily feed on anything giving off CO2!

But I guess there are those that attach themselves too!

But to get to humans do they actually jump from the deer?


Steven Sinski

Active member
they even have their own types called amazingly deer ticks

ticks are equal opportunity feeders/infectors. deer ticks = Lyme disease. not fun stuff.


Steven Sinski

Active member
from the moment they are born they have joined the so-called natural order of things. (aka: the pecking order of life and death)