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Baltic Adventure

Kathy Rappaport

pro member
We spent two weeks in June touring the Baltic Countries...I will be posting some of my images to OPF here and there....

This is the St. Petersberg Subway. I was astonished how clean it is and how busy...aside from the Carrera Marble, the Venitian Glass Chandeliers and Bronze and Silver carvings....good thing no one told me until later about the bands of theives that target the tourists with camera gear (phew!) and the police look the other way.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Hi Kathy,

This is a good preview and promise of what's to come. When was this built? Is this from Stalin's time or fairly new?


Kathy Rappaport

pro member
Well, not being a history buff, I go for the visual...but the emblems with hammer and sickel kinda say Stalin's time or at least before the latest regime.

Kathy Rappaport

pro member
Grab Shot

The morning we arrived in Stockholm, our hotel room was ready and we walked out the door cameras in hand looking for the scenic. It was graduation week, and we heard cars honking and saw flags waving. These two were in a new Mercedes Convertable with Daddy driving. The look of freedom and happiness was so evident as was their excitement. Oh, to be 18 again and having the whole world at your feet!
