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Barred Owl in Flight

Eric Diller

New member
First Barred Owl flight shot for me...I was pretty stoked. Caught me off guard but still managed to snap one frame. I was happy with the shot considering it was sunset and a shutter speed of only 1/500 sec.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
First Barred Owl flight shot for me...I was pretty stoked. Caught me off guard but still managed to snap one frame. I was happy with the shot considering it was sunset and a shutter speed of only 1/500 sec.



What a catch! I have never seen such a sight! We usually see the owl perched and looking very handsome and wise, when actually it's liker any other raptor, piercing its prey with vicious talons. When in flight one can relate to that far easier.

You might find it worthwhile to to some selective sharpening around the face. I wonder whether one of the more advanced deblurring programs might be helpful too?
