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Boy at the sea

With my favourite model, my son Raphael :


"Boy at the sea" - Cedric Massoulier

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

"Boy at the sea" - Cedric Massoulier


This picture carries tradition of still photography, as one might show in an exhibition or collect and treasure. It could have been merely sentimental, but it's not. The path, on which Raphael stands, sends us on a journey that then faces a junction of sudden change and a great unknown. This becomes our dilemma. Is the water a barrier or a new opportunity?

His reflection adds and element of geometry that's satisfying and strengthens the vertical line of the boy on the path and our contemplation of him as he, himself looks ahead.

I wonder what there might be to either side and closer on the path. I could argue it might be wider or taller to be even more effective. He also could be to the right of the line of white buoys in the water so they would form a clear isolated line. Or else, maybe remove them!
