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This is from my first attempt at Fine Art Nudes...With Cabrea...

If your viewing this on a LCD monitor you will not see the image correctly...Light falls off about her hips...If you can see detail from her hips down the image is not displaying correctly...LCD screens are brighter...When shown to a friend on their lap top it was way too bright and more of her showed then was intended....


Cabrea from 2008....Only her 6th shoot...All available light no strobes...I'm not sure what other information to put down...Or if anyone wants to see others from this shoot.....Erik...

Deleted member 55

If your viewing this on a LCD monitor you will not see the image correctly...Light falls off about her hips...If you can see detail from her hips down the image is not displaying correctly...LCD screens are brighter...When shown to a friend on their lap top it was way too bright and more of her showed then was intended....

Make that LCD screens have a higher contrast ratio making them superior for seeing what is actually in an image.

When I see detail on my LCD display it is because it is there it is not a problem with the monitor but a problem with the image being edited on an inferior display thus it not reflecting what the editor intended!
A fine figure and not coy with an apologium in advance from ErikJonas. The nude when done as well as this so often uncovers the image maker.