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Cliff View

If you can see the structure of the water, and not only a dark blue "mash" like I see here, then the conversion should be fine.


not only a "dark mash", but nice bluish water with fine details. Seems fine to me, as well as the rest of the image, although the ski is a bit too bright for my taste (overall image too contrasty).


If you can see the structure of the water, and not only a dark blue "mash" like I see here, then the conversion should be fine.

Thank you Thierry, this is helpful. Yes, too contrasty would be my feeling as well. - I have yet to learn how to get the best out of SINAR files with PP and refrain from doing what I used to do with olympus files. -

Here is a view from the entire scene, shot with a Zuiko Digital 7-14mm @f14.


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Bonsoir Georg
I don't understand why you don't embed the sRGB profile! it would make your life much easier!

Below is a screen hard copy of :
on left uour image seen in Safari (color managed) and superposed on right your image in PS CS3…


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Hi Georg
the best way is not to use "save for the web" but "save as" … JPG and then check the profile mark, like this:

... the best way is not to use "save for the web" but "save as" … JPG and then check the profile mark,

IMHO, the most fail-safe way is to 'convert' to sRGB, and embed that profile in the image. There are non-colormanaged displays/drivers/browsers out there, in fact most are, although many exhibit sRGB primaries and gamma.

Well Nicolas, as I said <grin>, I do not understand!

What's the difference?

If I take the jpeg on my mac, right click on it --> Get Info, I see:

Profile Name: sRGB 61966-2.1
So, are you guys saying this is a bug in Photoshop CS3?

My saving for Web workflow is:

1. reduce size
2. final sharpening
3. reduce from 16 to 8 bit
4. save for web with embedded ICC Profile

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Yes you're right of course, one need to convert to sRGB first.


When I get the info of your file, I get:

RGB not sRGB…

when I open your file in PS, it says that the file has no profile embeded…

Michael Fontana

pro member
I dunno know why, but a normal, tagged file here says in the finder:

Espace colorimetrique: RGB
Profilename: sRGB or Adobe 98

meanwhile a image, beeing sRGB and going throu "save for web" didn't had these annotation at all in the info-panel/more informations.... 10.4.11

I don' want to add confusion, but Safari and my colormanaged Firefox display the color differently as well!

BTW: George, you're not showing the same file as Nicolas, yours is much heavier...
Well, I come to the conclusion that somewhere on the way from my Mac, over the stick, to the PC, down to here, something must have gone wrong.

Could this have to do with the bytes order option in Photoshop? You can prefer MAC or IBM if I am not mistaken, I have it on Mac per default.
It's not the same file!
different name and different size…

It is the same file, just before I send it to my Host Nicolas. What you see is the encrypted version, hecne the difference and my guess that this could be also the reason that the host is doing something to the files that I don't know.

But it is late, and I am not going to solve this tonight. LOL

Thanks Folks!


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Have a good night my friend!

May I suggest that tomorow you download the file from OPFto your computer and see if it has the same infos than before uploading it to your web hoster…

Make sweet dreams!

Michael Fontana

pro member
But look here:


Screenshots opend in Photoshop while keeping the monitor's profile, converted to sRGB and saved for web - with profile.

It looks precisly the same as beeing saved °normally° with a profile.

Now, for the next image, I through the profile away, when saving for web:


Got the idea?
George, I took it down, too; it had here 292 KB, as Nicolas says...

2nd download, a few seconds ago: 292 KB....

Hi Michael,

when I safe over OPF, I do get the same filesize like you guys. When I go via the Host, I get the 1.8 MB, doh?!


This is the menu from where I copy the second link to post here within image tags.


Michael Fontana

pro member
Finishing Post 21:

The two sets; upper and lower one look identical in Firefox, meanwhile in Safari, they're much different:

- The colormanagemend-aware-Firefox (see the other thread) recognises sRGB when the profile is added in °save for web°.
- If FF can't find no profile, it assigns sRGB.

- it looks like it assigns the monitor profile, if it can' t find one...
- if it finds a profile, it displays it plusminus correctly.

But still theirs quite a big difference beween these two browsers, both calling to be colormanaged. Pretty confusing!
Aha... this should be better!


I tried Bart's suggestion, and now I also see under Windows XP, Properties, Summary, the correct data including Sinar stuff, which was not there before! - Must read up what this new menu means, never saw that before, something about baselines. -

Who again invented colormanagement?

What a Pest! LOL ;)

We need better interoperability by all means!