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Contemplating Weston's Nudes


Contemplating Weston's Nudes​

Gelatin-silver photograph on Agfa Classic MCC111 FB VC , image area 19.3cmX24.4cm, from a Tmax100 4x5 negative exposed in a Tachihara 45GF camera fitted with a Schneider Super Angulon 121mm f8 lens. The book is open at a page displaying a reproduction of Edward Weston's photograph "Dancing Nude, 1927" featuring Bertha Wardell, a Los Angeles dancer.
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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Maris Rusis: Contemplating Weston's Nudes

Gelatin-silver photograph


This is a wonderful treat to have you share your 4x5 film photography with us. I value it especially as I know the care with which you make pictures. The idea of looking at Weston's nude's in this scene carries down a photographic tradition we can connect with. Well executed!


Doug Kerr

Well-known member
Hi, Maris,

Wonderful concept, lovely setup and shot, and a cute model didn't hurt. The caption is also great.

The blurring on the guy (looks more like motion blur than DoF insufficiency) is just a little disconcerting.

Best regards,
