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My World: Contrast...

fahim mohammed

Well-known member
I was traveling through SE Asia the past couple of weeks.

Christmas celebrations were in full swing. Stores were full of shoppers, hotels full of parties, everywhere I went, commercialization had taken over. Must spend seemed to be the credo.

After a couple of days, I got tired of this ostentatious display and activity of materialism.

What was life like for those that were not this fortunate?

I went out into the streets. You must have read about the typhoons and tropical storms that have been hammering some parts of SE Asia ( or you have not, as that is far away...).

It was pouring with rain. Time 0252 hrs.

Street pavement alongside one of the most luxurious hotel and shopping center in one country....The Gucci, YSL, Cartier etc. neons blazed and reflected of the rain filled roads...


Back to my hotel, soaking wet, I got caught up with a power outage while in the elevator.

Well, I am back home..so all went well; obviously.
As I look through the portfolio of images I made..I shake my head.

Bethlehem..or to be more accurate Bait-Al-Laham, and what happened there, that gives rise to this disgusting spending of wealth, seems to have been forgotten.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I was traveling through SE Asia the past couple of weeks.

Christmas celebrations were in full swing. Stores were full of shoppers, hotels full of parties, everywhere I went, commercialization had taken over. Must spend seemed to be the credo.

After a couple of days, I got tired of this ostentatious display and activity of materialism.

What was life like for those that were not this fortunate?

I went out into the streets. You must have read about the typhoons and tropical storms that have been hammering some parts of SE Asia ( or you have not, as that is far away...).

It was pouring with rain. Time 0252 hrs.

Street pavement alongside one of the most luxurious hotel and shopping center in one country....The Gucci, YSL, Cartier etc. neons blazed and reflected of the rain filled roads...


Back to my hotel, soaking wet, I got caught up with a power outage while in the elevator.

Well, I am back home..so all went well; obviously.
As I look through the portfolio of images I made..I shake my head.

Bethlehem..or to be more accurate Bait-Al-Laham, and what happened there, that gives rise to this disgusting spending of wealth, seems to have been forgotten.


What a shocking hypocrisy for folk to be relegated to such indignity.

But right now, in Bangladesh 90% of the Muslim Rohinga population of Myanamar, (Burma), beaten, raped, villages set on fire, children beheaded, and the victims blamed and sent fleeing to Bangladesh! Here the desperate folk are free but have nothing as they try to shelter from the weather. Some 3/4 million souls!

Yes, the world is hippocratical!


Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member

Humanity treats humanity without human love. If one would just think " What if this was your family " Yet they do not understand " All humanity is our family" The photo shows me Throwing away humans as garbage" It is a strong image. A lesson we need to learn. Seems as though over and over again.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

I seems like they're all women. I wonder what the story is.

It certainly appears grim!

I was in Zimbabwe, (when it was still Rhodesia aand under the white dominated party lead by Iam Smith, Prime Minister. There was a unliteral Declaration of Independence" from the U.K. IT was written in the same high=-minded text as the original Document of the Rebellious American Colonies against the British Rule too.

There were lots of press looking for stories. A majot headline wa something like this

"So many Bodies line the streets, but the White Government dont even pick up the Fallen."

However, these were workers having an afternoon siesta. No one was killed, LOL, but that would not make a story!

Now in your picture, Fahim, it could be that the folk are homeless or the transport truck broke down and they are stranded with each other.

Ot it could be that they are homeless, but what do they have in common. What is the story. They look well nourished.

They say "A picture is worth a thousand words!", but not this one. IOt can be a story of devastating cruelty or tragedy or a trvial nusiance. Without the story, we have no idea, but we are very concerned.


fahim mohammed

Well-known member
Asher, Charlotte....

So very kind of you to stop by.

Don’t like to take such photos, but the contrast and disparity between the haves and have nots was too
Much to ignore.

I lost my curiosity, so did no further research.

Thank you both.