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Could this be a real tricolor sensor from Kodak?

Doug Kerr

Well-known member
Kodak's brag release about new sensor development (cited on dpr) includes this passage:

Both the KAI-50100 [HASSELBLAD H3DII-50] and the KAF-37500 [Leica S2] Image Sensors are based on the new KODAK TRUESENSE 6.0 micron Full Frame CCD Platform, the company’s fourth generation of technology for professional photography. This new platform increases both the resolution and camera performance available for photographers by reducing pixel size and “click-to-capture” time for improved camera response, improving frame rate, lowering power consumption, and improving color fidelity while retaining key performance parameters available from the previous generation of technology. [Emphasis supplied]

Is there any chance this means that these might be true tricolor sensel sensors (not CFA arrays) - that is, in the vein of the Foveon sensors?

I of course assume that were this the case for the Hassy, we would know it by now. But maybe we do (I haven't followed all the traffic).

Best regards,


Doug Kerr

Well-known member
Is there any chance this means that these might be true tricolor sensel sensors (not CFA arrays) - that is, in the vein of the Foveon sensors?

Evidently not (from reading stuff on the Kodak Web site about the TRUESENSE technology). But perhaps an improved CFA.

Best regards,

Evidently not (from reading stuff on the Kodak Web site about the TRUESENSE technology). But perhaps an improved CFA.

What I read in various press releases is that they used a new red pigment for the Bayer CFA, which is supposed to lead to improved yellow/orange reproduction.
