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Just for Fun No C&C will be given: Dettifoss

Rajan Parrikar

pro member
Dettifoss, in north Iceland. Details here.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Rajan Parrikar: Dettifoss
North Iceland


What a dynamic picture! When we look at the top half, it's a panorama with the sky important and water crashing away to some unknown depth below.

Looking at the lower half, we are are engrossed with the power of the water.


Just a small question, what lead you to such sark rock tones?

Rajan Parrikar

pro member
Just a small question, what lead you to such sark rock tones?


I found that the brighter tones of the rocks were distracting the eye away from the falls, and so I attenuated them. Although I can see the case for keeping them brighter and thus having a more overall contrast in the image, the current version comports better with what I had in mind.