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Do you think these work?

janet Smith

pro member

Potting shed, guttering overflowing after rain, 5D 100mm macro lens f2.8 1/800


I'm particularly unsure of this one taken after a hard frost on Wednesday night, my son said "what are taking photographs of stuff like that for?" I told him that I'm fascinated by their transition from beautiful, large crimson flowers, to these gnarled, twisted, parched remnants, is it only me and the birds that find them interesting?
5D 100mm macro lens f2.8 1/80.


Grasses in early morning light 5D 100mm macro lens f2.8 1/80, I love the play of the light on the delicate fronds, luckily not much wind that morning.


Last of the fruits, 20D 50mm 1.4 f4 1/400

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Hi Jan,

Can we start with just one as they are so different. How about the first!

The potting shed picture of the gutter is surrealistic to me. It's interesting as it is so unusual. Does it have a title yet?

I'd like us to spend some time with just this picture.


janet Smith

pro member
Thanks, Jan, I've moved your other three pictures to a new thread here . They deserve their own space!

Hi Asher

No title as yet, I wasn't sure that it warranted worrying about one, especially after the inital negative responses I received from my son. I like it because of the contrasting colours between the bricks and the blue sky refelcted in the window, and the slow trickle of the rain water dribbling down the window, I also like the texture of the wood.....it's a funny thing but I find it very difficult to evaluate my own work.....
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Ray West

New member
Hi Janet,

Relatives are not always the best - ever try teaching/learn how to drive with one?

It depends on context - any good for what - first thoughts - builder's merchant catalogue, no way, but hang on, how about this? very narrow, full length strip, say an inch wide, down the edge of a page advertising external waterproofing coatings?

I can see a triangular frame - the drop towards the bottom point, with the top edge on the yellow/blue boundary, rotated so the yellow lines are parallel, maybe not, hung in your stair well (or in your attic if you live in a bungalow ;-)

Think outside the box. Everything is good - everything is rubbish - nowt to to with the thing, more to do with the perceiver.

Best wishes,


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Potting shed, guttering overflowing after rain, 5D 100mm macro lens f2.8 1/800

Thanks Jan for sharing and more so for allowing me to look for further ways to show your image. I wondered whether the lower part of the image added anything or was best removed. Since there is no title, I did not feel too bad at trimming and thus increasing importance to what is left.


I have tried to bring out more of the tonal differences in the 3 areas and to make the drop more isolated.

Maybe there will be other ideas.


janet Smith

pro member
Relatives are not always the best - ever try teaching/learn how to drive with one?Think outside the box. Everything is good - everything is rubbish - nowt to to with the thing, more to do with the perceiverRay

Hi Ray

Yes, you're right I taught both my sons to drive, and my father taught me to drive!! and know exactly what you mean, so thank you for reminding me of that...... and as the Yorkshire saying goes "there's nowt s'funny as folk!"

Thank you very much for your ideas, it was just a shot that I grabbed as I walked past, I think I may try other things, dripping taps, overfilling the watering can etc etc.....

janet Smith

pro member
Hi Asher

It's always fascinating to me to see what other people can do, I like your idea, and Ray's of making a long narrow strip, I can see me having to take another trip to the shed, it'll be interesting if it freezes and then melts.......

I love winter, but it's rare that we get a really harsh winter now, I will continue to post more images of the garden through the winter, I'm resisting the temptation to cut down a lot of the interesting seed heads, so we'll see how things progress.

Thank you for your time and suggestions, as always much appreciated.....