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DTP-70 Auto Spectrophotometer

Andrew Rodney

New member
Hardly used, a DTP-70 auto Spectrophotometer (see below). New at Chromix it's going for $4200.00. Got too many Spectrophotometer's need to move this along.


The agile DTP70 scanning X-Y spectrophotometer reads a typical ICC color target in less than three minutes and measures smaller targets for calibrating color proofing systems in just 30 seconds. A host of special features, including single-button activation, automatic calibration and a self-alignment function that virtually eliminates read errors, maximizing the system's efficiency.

Notable Features DTP70 full-sheet high-speed X-Y scanner The DTP70 rapidly collects and transmits accurate spectral information to MonacoPROFILER for calibrating your devices and building high- quality ICC profiles. Measures typical calibration targets in 30 seconds and profiling targets such as IT8 in less than three minutes Measures sheets from 3.5 inches to 8.86 inches wide and media from .003 inches to .014 inches thick Self-aligns targets, reducing read errors Offers single-button, autoscan operation and automatic calibration based on a built-in reference Features user-selectable black or white backer, UV included or UV excluded illumination New pattern recognition eliminates the need for separator bars or high-contrast patches