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Just for Fun No C&C will be given: Emergiendo

Leonardo Boher

pro member
"Emmersion" should be in English, you know, when the submarine goes up.

I finally found a way to insert the TTL Flash into an umbrella I bought some months ago. I was using a translucent one, but after reading the word "softbox" for about 1000 times in the latest days, I got the idea to inser the TTL Flash into the other umbrella at any cost. The other umbrella is black for outsise, something like metal for inside and it has like a tap (I think the name is "modifier", the tap difusses the light which bounces inside the umbrella) with a little zip. Finally got how to use it! And I'm feelling very satisfied with the result of the light produced by this device. I had retouched these 2 versions in LR and done some d&b/blurring to even the tones in PS.

Let me know what you like more. I personally like both.

Leo :)


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

My immediate reaction, before addressing the lighting is that her hands , head and shoulders make, in themselves an interesting composition that I'd like to see larger. Also it would be helpful to learn what is the flat area between her hands and her face.

How did you achieve the hue of the skin?


Leonardo Boher

pro member

My immediate reaction, before addressing the lighting is that her hands , head and shoulders make, in themselves an interesting composition that I'd like to see larger. Also it would be helpful to learn what is the flat area between her hands and her face.

How did you achieve the hue of the skin?


The flat area... I think you're reffering to a deep shadow in her left eye (under her hands). Yeap it doesn't look so good.

The hue... well... is try and experiment. I have been don't know... 3-4/5-6 hours with this in LR, really don't know but I understand LR this way:

HUE and Lightness is the same to me. Saturation also raise lightness and mixing that stuff is cool. It's like enlightening a picture by using bright colors instead lightness (but I use lightness too).

BAsically I start playing with the WB and Tint sliders, squeezing the colors and mixing that with camera calibration too. Also the split tones thing is cool for that. I don't use HUE panel. Then I go again to the WB and Tint sliders and play with the vibrancy and saturation too. It's a mix, like taking a person by the neck and hold it very tight and see how the skin goes from natural color to weird colors, also the expression/mood changes, but using a pic instead a human; meaning there are not steps but the idea of moving the things in every possible direction, contradictions most of the time, I don't know, pushing the sliders to the edge and balancing with other sliders.


