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  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!

For Sinarback eMotion Users - New Firmware Update v. 5.0


For all Sinarback eMotion users (eMotion 22, eMotion 54 LV, eMotion 75 and eMotion 75 LV), there is a new firmware update available, downloadable from our homepage under "Downloads" (for registered SOG Members).

Here the changes in firmware 5.0 from the previous version:
• The Sinarback eMotion Firmware 5.0 includes the support of the Sinar Hy6 medium format camera system, including direct communication between the camera body and the capturing software (requires Sinar CaptureShop™ 5.5.2 and later or Sinar eXposure™ 6.0 and later)

• The nominal ISO speed ratings of the Sinarback eMotion backs have been increased. The nominal ISO speed ratings are now as follows:

Sinarback eMotion 22 and eMotion 54 LV: ISO 50 … ISO 400
Sinarback eMotion 75 and eMotion 75 LV: ISO 100 … ISO 800

Please note that this does not indicate that the Sinarback eMotion backs have a higher sensitivity with firmware 5.0. The change of the ISO speed ratings does merely ensure correct exposures and prevent overexposed highlights when working with built-in exposure metering systems of medium format cameras.

• The display quality of Sinarback eMotion 75 and eMotion 75 LV with a new display controller (serial number e75-07-1122 through 07-1216 and e75-07-1226 and higher) has been improved. This change does not affect Sinarback eMotion 22 and eMotion 54 LV.

Best regards,