I got a bunch from a print shop that was closing, you can get lith film in various sizes from Valley Litho Supply in Wisconsin, as well as any printing supply house near you. You may want to check with a few of the traditional printshops around your area, you may get lucky and have a bunch given to you. The biggest advantage for me right now is price, as I'm pretty much broke at the moment, one of the disadvantages of being self employed, sometimes you're up, sometimes down. Needless to say, right now it's pretty down. I do love developing by inspection under a red safelight, using a white pyrex cooking dish makes it easy to see what's going on. Just good cheap fun, as it were, and any prints I sell are used to fund other purchases.
Though I have about a years supply or so stashed of D76, Dektol and Fixer, as well as a bunch of raw chemicals and odds and ends (like a 40"x100' roll of Agfa N31P contone film, or a bunch of Arista diffusion transfer negative and positive films)
I bought the C1 on Ebay, with a delaminated bellows and a 4x5 reducing back, but no 8x10 back (looked pretty bad, actually) for around $50 or so. I spent about an hour or two removing the bellows, carefully seperating the inner and outer bellows, ironed the liner and stiffeners to straighten everythig out and reglued the cover. Took a back I had made for a quick 8x10 project and after about a half hour between the table saw and router, fit like a glove. Total investment was about $65 and a few hours of time. Add a $75 Gitzo Tele-Studex with a 1570M head and a dozen wooden film holders, and a Turner Reich 12" triple convertible, total cost for the 8x10 outfit came up to about $250. Though in all fairness, it took me over 6 months to round everything up. (and along the way I ended up with a few 4x5 projects too)