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Girl with the Flowers ... Waiting...

Abhijit Biswas

New member
This one is a composit as well. 3 pictures blended together.



Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
This one is a composit as well. 3 pictures blended together.




This picture is eye catching, unique and interesting. But it's also puzzling. Why the color of the skin is greenish? Is this buttressed by some mythology we are not aware of. Is there some son or character we should know about. Whatever, you had in mind, you certainly discovered a wonderful model for your work!

Glad she's not imprisoned in black!


Abhijit Biswas

New member
Thanks, Asher, for your kind words. This is not based on any mythology or anything like that. I just went ahead with whatever felt right to my eye and mind. There is no other character in it other than herself. The imaginery person that she is waiting for, if it feels that way, then that's in the viewer's mind!

Yes, she was a wonderful model to work with.

Thanks for your time and thoughts on this image.



This picture is eye catching, unique and interesting. But it's also puzzling. Why the color of the skin is greenish? Is this buttressed by some mythology we are not aware of. Is there some son or character we should know about. Whatever, you had in mind, you certainly discovered a wonderful model for your work!

Glad she's not imprisoned in black!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Maybe also try other levels of gradient so she does not appear to be popped into a vignetting cutout from a wedding photographer's album of 1930.

Also, does she need to be green? Not saying anything is wrong, because it's your vision that has to be met, not my opinions, LOL! Still it's appropriate to test how strongly these effects are needed as they strike us and give the picture, IMHO, a sense of artificiality. But maybe that's what you need to embed?


Abhijit Biswas

New member
I tried few different versions with the same gradient. Here is one with more focus on the flowers. It has a different feel to it! But not sure if you would like it. Just sharing it in the context of this discussion.




Maybe also try other levels of gradient so she does not appear to be popped into a vignetting cutout from a wedding photographer's album of 1930.

Also, does she need to be green? Not saying anything is wrong, because it's your vision that has to be met, not my opinions, LOL! Still it's appropriate to test how strongly these effects are needed as they strike us and give the picture, IMHO, a sense of artificiality. But maybe that's what you need to embed?
