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Godox XPro2 and X1R not communicating


New member
Godox XPro2 transmitter on Nikon D500. Nikon SB-600 on Godox X1R receiver. Both transmitter and speed light in Manual mode. Up until today, changing flash intensity on transmitter would signal receiver to match the intensity on speed light. That’s the point of having this setup. This stopped happening. The transmitter still triggers the flash. Any help would be appreciated.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Godox XPro2 transmitter on Nikon D500. Nikon SB-600 on Godox X1R receiver. Both transmitter and speed light in Manual mode. Up until today, changing flash intensity on transmitter would signal receiver to match the intensity on speed light. That’s the point of having this setup. This stopped happening. The transmitter still triggers the flash. Any help would be appreciated.
That’s a frustrating puzzle! Is it still within warranty period?

Another possibility:-

Try removing the batteries for 5 minutes as often that resets the device. Worth a try!
