Hi Asher, Ruben,
Thanks a lot for your kind comments. I know that this is not one of those majestic pictures of the Grand Canyon, but it brings back very sweet memories when I look at it. The nature can be so powerful and beautiful at the same time, humbling us.
You guys do really crack me up, lol. Following the intensive HDR pictures in the past few days, I had tried staying away from all that for once and to bring you the beauty of nature in a subdued way instead. But hey, your wish is my command

This is not a straightforward HDR processing. The original raw suffers from a lack of dynamic range and the image gets very noisy when treated in HDR or pushed too much. So I did create a HDR version from a single raw using the SNS-HDR, focusing on getting the sky right. Then I have opened the image in PS and have applied noise reduction with neat image vigourously. After that, I have even Gaussion blurred the skies further to smooth out the noise. I have then duplicated the image into a new layer and used multiply blending to bring out the texture of the clouds even more. Following a flattening of these two layers, I have copied this resulting image to a new layer on top of the original image I have shown earlier. Asher wanted me to add a "cm" at the top. This image was originally cropped a bit at the top, so I did not have to extend the sky using any tricks; I just undid the cropping

At this stage, I had my initial image as the lower layer and the new optimized image for the sky at the top level. I have then used the luminosity blending mode and brought the opacity of the top layer down until it was visually pleasing. Added a gradual layer mask to apply this only to the sky and also to a bit of the horizon. The blending mode was done to prevent noise from seeping into the image and messing up with the hues and the saturation. Finally, I have added some local contrast enhancement to the sky to further enhance the texture. Here is the end result compared to the original version. Which one is better, do you reckon?Cheers,