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Hasselblad H3D

Klaus Esser

pro member

Now i finished some time-consumpting jobs and would like to show one example from a shooting with
a H3D last week.
It´s me sitting in the scene ;-) and Thomas Mayer did the test-shot. I had to blurr the total image because it´s a job´s site.
The picture is just slightly sharpened in the converter - no manipulation beyond that.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Is the cut-out, 100%?

It's great to have this Hasselblad H3 photograph sample. We need more, many more. Then we'll be covering the major digital backs for medium format.

The Exif reports H3D 35mm, II-39, 1/90, f 13.

Explain the difference between aperture Value 7.4 and f stop of 13.

Do you have more access to the camera or is it yours anyway? :)


Klaus Esser

pro member

Is the cut-out, 100%?

It's great to have this Hasselblad H3 photograph sample. We need more, many more. Then we'll be covering the major digital backs for medium format.

The Exif reports H3D 35mm, II-39, 1/90, f 13.

Explain the difference between aperture Value 7.4 and f stop of 13.

Do you have more access to the camera or is it yours anyway? :)


Hi Asher!

No - it´s a rented one. I´d love to own it . . :) And: yep - it´s a full and a 100%. Size is about 7210x5410px.

Next week or so we do another job with it and i´ll collect some tests for you to show them here.
We were all very pleased and - to be honest - a bit surprised . . i myself didn´t expect THAT . .
Well . . . but the price, the price . . i´ll have to go to the horses, hounds and some other bets . .

It´s about 40000.-€ with the three lenses we used, man . .

best, Klaus (i opened your mail just last night and will answer tonite!)

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
The color, contrast and look of the 100% cut out are impressive. There is no sign I can see of Moiré, but maybe we need a different cloth pattern.

Thanks for sharing this. although many criticise Hasselblad for making a closed system. Many photographers find that worthwhile to own a seamless set of components and software that is well supported. Also, their independant "selfish" attitude of closing their body to outsiders has pushed the other DB MFRS to make deals with Mamiya and Rollei's new owners. Without the pressure, there might be no new options for us!

Yours are hopefully the first of the H3 pictures for us and we look forward to more.

There is no sign I can see of Moiré, but maybe we need a different cloth pattern.

I wasn't looking for any, but since you mentioned it ..., the diagonal strap below the plastic cup has what looks like false color moiré, and so does a vertical strip of the zipper at the left. The shirt has some suspect coloration and coarseness, but it's not that visible (we're not looking at a fashion/fabric shot). A different Raw converter might have rendered it quite differently though, and it's not that hard to remedie if it matters (just make another Raw conversion with heavy chroma noise reduction, layer it with the original conversion, and only mask in the corrected area).

Otherwise it looks good.


Klaus Esser

pro member
I wasn't looking for any, but since you mentioned it ..., the diagonal strap below the plastic cup has what looks like false color moiré, and so does a vertical strip of the zipper at the left. The shirt has some suspect coloration and coarseness, but it's not that visible (we're not looking at a fashion/fabric shot). A different Raw converter might have rendered it quite differently though, and it's not that hard to remedie if it matters (just make another Raw conversion with heavy chroma noise reduction, layer it with the original conversion, and only mask in the corrected area).

Otherwise it looks good.


Hi Asher, hi Bart!

Yes - there is moiré! I´ll post a cut of another shot (it´s a bit critical because it´s an ongoing assignment) which shows definitely moiré.
We didn´t use a moiré-subpression, because it´s only visible in a 100% cut and the theme is not fashion/fabrics. The next time we´ll use the subpression - which removes moiré totally without visible loss of resolution oder sharpness.
Maybe i can use the converter - but the camera itself has an option.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Klaus or Bart,

Tell us about "Subpression? Is it part of the H3 suite or is it available for other files too? I wonder how it might work?
