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How Come This is Private

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
And who gets to see?


No one gets to see it since you forgot to post a picture! This forum is moderated, so it waits in a queue to be approved for relevance to this specialized forum. Your pictures, when approved will be viewable to anyone registered and logged in to OPF.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
And who gets to see?


Still, Doug, you asked a great question in life that I will use! Very Buddhist! I think that enquiry is what the photographer is doing often. Bresson, Weston, Adams and so many others saw and then let us see through their own eyes. But it's far more than that.

Related to this, the underground caves that are only seen by the camera in a microsecond are a metaphor for all that we could see if we choose to try.


Nigel Allan

I like this picture...it has a sense of ...SPACE ...of openness, quite minimalist. The imaginative use of white space has created an excellent work :)

Doug Kerr

Well-known member
Hi, Nigel,

I like this picture...it has a sense of ...SPACE ...of openness, quite minimalist. The imaginative use of white space has created an excellent work :)
It has, indeed.

Still, by tomorrow morning, I suppose there will be a long thread here dealing with:

• The fact that we cannot possibly judge the work without knowing the photographer's intent.
• The fact that we cannot possibly judge the work unless we are given help in placing it into some category.

I believe it should be put in the category of all categories that are members of their own categories.

Best regards,

Defense d'afficher - loi du 29 juillet 1881