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I own 2 Zeiss Ikon TLRs

Ken Jackson

New member
I own and use a Zeiss Ikon Favorit and am planning on taking it to Tahiti to shoot landscapes with while I am home... The other is the prototype for the Favorite with the exception of having the film number viewing window on the bottom of the camera (red plastic with a black metal slide protector covering the lens and preventing light leaks), and no photocell light meter. Both have synchronized shutter appature ajusting wheels and are really great to use. I love the idea of photo posters of the island or islands and its flora and fauna along with its people would be great to do in something that I would never be able to afford in digital backs. (I admit, I do drool when I see what they can do in the proper set of hands attached to a great mind). Reality sets in, and I know that on a retired Navy Chief's income and living where the dollar is worth less than half of what it was 6 months ago.. I am learning and will do some posts in here with both of the cameras and compare the shots to those taken with my D70, D200 and the 2 Ikon Ikoflex The favorite was manufactured in 57 and I believe that the fore runner was either 53 or 54.... I bought the Favorite at the Goodwill Pound Store for 53 cents a pound and sent it to a great medium format camera tech here in the Portland area and he did a great job of cleaning and lubricating the camera and doing a great overall check and sync'ing the two lenses... Beautiful Cameras, makes me want sumpin bigger <grin>

Never owned a TLR before, but of what I see with these 35mm lenses on the ground glass is incredible Perchance, I can run up to Ilwaco and shoot the area....

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Hi Ken,

The twin lens reflexes are some of the greatest overlooked bargains. The Mamiya's for example has a large range of available lenses all superb optical quality. The modest Yashicamat is a superb camera with a fixed lens but a dream to use with great quality B&W and color. Again available for a song.

Your Zeiss TLR cameras are a stea! Can we see a photograph of it? Run through a roll of HP5 ilford B&W and lets see what it does!
