Does background help here at all?
It was a good morning shooting. This image was shot in color and not altered (other than boosting contrast). It's a warm day (60F) but the ice from the winter has yet to melt. It was also very foggy today. The result is a very muted effect. I particularly like the wing position on the bird.
ISO 250, f/5.6, 1/1200
It may be strange that I'd fuss over your one bird mage, but I'm interested in the challenge of making pale mages show well.
I do like the image and the fact that you, (as a photographer of mostly still things), would become so adventurous as to try to track this bird in flight. It usually needs the steady hands of a 20-40 year old! Well, we folks have to do our best and IS is a great help.
The choice of lens, the 70-200 f 4.0 IS L s perfect as it's lightweight, stabilized and has just enough reach to get the bird with background. I'd consider the x 1.4 extender as this would give you an equivalent of 280mm of grasping power. I've just tried the 300 mm f4.0 IS L and it's another great lght lens.
You picture has a white border that doesn't show up. For the light tones, a darker b.g. might be better. So I've done that. Thanks for the kind permission to experiment.
Also, the image data is just located n the center 1/3 of the histogram. That means there is no data for the dark hues and none for the brights either. So How does this happen. Was it an overcast day and you underexposed or an underexposed image and you had to open things up?
So I adjusted the white and black points and then created an S curve to give the bird some more pop. I sharpened the bird at 0.3 pixels and ~ 250% and then faded it with luminous blending and replaced the edges with the original so as not to have halos from over-processng.
Jacob Eliana: Ice Fishing
Jacob Eliana: Ice Fishing
Edited ADK
The changes are merely subtle but hopefully enough to make the bird more dimensional. It could that I should have done more work to include detail on the beak and around the eye which I didn't attempt. I just wanted to see one could get more out of the file, albeit just a small jpg. However, there's not such a lot of detail there.
Maybe I should also try it again with a RAW file and see if one can grab a little more detail. Obviously, taken with a 500 mm the birds feathers would be perfect. However, it's interesting to see what's the best one can do.