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Icons: Who are the folk that Epitomize Beauty for us? Dressed or nude?

So I was just thinking about something...As I experience myself the difference of culture and I'm always interested by what makes something/someone beautiful for some and gruesome to others...Maybe it belongs to another thread...(can you redirect, Asher :) ) Who are your beauty Icons...I'm mostly interested with the ones living quite far eg: Asia/Pacific, Middle east, Southern Africa... I'll try to find out who I think Is an "national" beauty icon for the French (I'm not the only French in the Forum), regardless of the icon citizenship and regardless of my own taste.

Someone comes to my mind, that myself I don't see as beautiful but that many people mostly men find beautiful in France Is Monica Bellucci...(she's still Italian I think)


PS: Could have chosen a non nude photography but 1st there are not so many of her, and 2nd I wanted a beautiful one
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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Monica Bellucic.us photo for editorial use only


copyright not ascertained, for editorial use only

Monica again*

Well, Sandrine, She's certainly beautiful. Her lips seem sculpted. She has a beautiful figure and is elegant as well as feminine. However, if one really looks closely at pictures of her complexion, she's more like a lot of folk next door than you might imagine.

I can understand that folk would consider her beauty iconic! Here, my wife might even forgive me. At least she could boast that my husband's mistress is more beautiful than that woman your husband thinks we don't know about, LOL!

I too love to know who other photographers feel are their icons of beauty.


*Your posted image sometimes does not load for some reason! There's something inherent in that file that prevents it from easily loading here! Sometimes it loads, other times not. It may even appear in preview but not when posted. Loading it from my server didn't work either! Then I saw your original pic of her reappear and after that it was gone!
I think that what's make her iconic is that she is quite curvy, while all the magazine show bony/anorexic/skinny figures, and as far as I'm concerned views on the subject are always completely different between men and women. She often plays in French movies (you can also see her in "the temptation of Christ" by mel Gibson) and she is far more curvy in movies than in photos That were the retouching stuff comes in consideration.

I can't see other icons for the moment, I'll ask my husband...He's the real expert. :)

(We can discuss of Georges Clooney as well, why not?)
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poll results

I asked my husband and then the poll shows:

1/ younger Carole Bouquet

Photo Dominique Isserman - Copyrighted

2/Sophie Marceau


Obviously copyrighted too

3/Younger Pamela Anderson (I mean before the boob-nose-hips-eyes-everything job)

more copyrighted than copyrighted...

Unfortunately I resemble none of them...What the heck?!?!
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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Audrey Tautou.

On that good thought, I bid you all a very good morning. I am off to sleep!.


Funny you picked her, I would have walked past her! So there's than goodness different tastes after all! Or perhaps there's another factor that goes with looks to make a woman iconic?

Sandrine's picks would each short circuit my thoughts! So there must be some commonality going on after all! It could be related to the movies we watch. I've never seen Audrey Tatou in a movie. I can't stand Mel Gibson and I hardly want to watch torture by the Romans for 3 hours so her performance there was missed on purpose! What other movie of hers was so impressive? Maybe I'll rent it. It might them become obvious how she could become an icon.

The last temptation of Christ was on the telly the other day, I gave a try, I couldn't. I'd prefer watch an horror movie. She made one or two funny films but mere French...Asterix and Cleopatra (I bet my wacom it didn't cross the atlantic) based on a French comic series. You can also see her on THE MATRIX: Reloaded (more accessible).


Andy brown

Well-known member
Monica is tasty but Emmanuelle Beart.........grrrrrrrrrooowwwww!!!!,../falls off chair.
And I don't even go for blondes.
all these ones are French, what about the others. I didn't intend to make it so nationalistic! For myself I find that Uma Thurman when blonde (when she played in Gathaca for example)and less skinny is a good representation of a classy woman, quite stylish.
Don't tell me, have some problems since I have a "British" computer, write French like a 6 years old...
the ALT GR+E works for l'accent aig�ü "é" but no key for l'accent grave "è". Too lazy for ASCII...