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Isla Providencia 2016

Peter Dexter

Well-known member

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
This is a superb picture of her. She has an idealist shape that Aphrodite would envy!

I plan to copy her pose in a shoot planned for tomorrow. I have been working on such poses and this one s particularly comfortable and natural!

Thr angle of the sand and incoming waves is delightful.

I wonder whether you might have a shot in this series with a little more tree line included?


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Thank you Asher, no I'm sorry I don't

Your work, as it, is includes much of the wonderful and powerful features of this amazing planet we are allowed to travel and enjoy on our life’s journey!


The beauty of humanity represented by this amazingly lovely woman, faces the vast ocean moved in its cycles by our solitary moon!.

This single pictures is a metaphor for life on this planet and is a stellar achievement!
