I kind of agree with the others Chris. Not that there is anything wrong with your composition or content, or the quality of the photo and processing.
It is maybe the difference between taking an interesting shot in an interesting setting and coming up with a title for it - - - and envisioning a story or concept and looking for the elements and composition that has the greatest visual impact for relaying the story or supporting a predefined title or concept.
I think that if parts of the image were left out and the visual focus was a little different, the image wouldn't be so static. When I initially viewed your post, I was thinking I would have taken a different approach - - - but after noticing what the amazing Asher was able to extract from the picture element on the wall in behind - I agree that that is a powerful element that could have been better utilized.
But hey - all we are trying to do is explore the potential of where such an image could have gone. It is how you have seen and presented it - and that is as a really nice photograph.